The Centre for Innovative Drug Development and Therapeutic Trials for Africa (CDT-Africa) is a World Bank supported centre of excellence for education and research at Addis Ababa University, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

The main aim of CDT-Africa is to serve as a platform for equitable access to interventions (medications, vaccines, diagnostics and complex interventions) and bring about sustainable development in Africa through high quality capacity development for innovative therapeutic discovery.The centre partners with the University of Sussex, one of the top universities in the United Kingdom. The Department of Global Health and Infection at Brighton & Sussex Medical School, in collaboration with CDT-Africa, has obtained a grant from the National Institute of Health Research, to establish a global health research unit and conduct several research projects on Neglected Tropical Diseases (NTDs) in Ethiopia. As part of this partnership, we will be able to offer three PhD fellowships and two post-doctoral fellowships. Successful PhD candidates will register for their PhD with the University of Sussex but be based within CDT-Africa and conduct their research in one of three areas: complex intervention/implementation; development of a new anti-infective/anti-inflammatory agent from endemic plant extracts for limb care; and use of weekly scabies data to underpin outbreak management. The post-doctoral fellowships involve full time engagement and the fellows will be training and working within CDT-Africa. The fellows will have opportunities to develop their research and writing skills and to apply for appropriate research fellowships supported externally. 

For full detail please download the announcement here