CDT-Africa had the opportunity to co-organize a workshop on “Enhancing Quality of Education and Centers of Excellence’’ in Addis Ababa on January 4th 2023. The meeting was co orgnised by CDT-Africa and the Ethiopia 2050 Initiative’s Education Task Force to discuss the main challenges in education quality in Ethiopia and assess what Ethiopia 2050 can do to improve it.

Professor Sebsebe Demissie, chair of the Education Taskforce, welcomed the participants noting the objectives of the meeting. Professor Samuel Kinde, co-founder of the Ethiopia2050 Initiative said Ethiopia’s population is projected to reach 190-200 million by 2050. By 2100 Ethiopia will be likely the 8th most populous country in the world. This has its own opportunities and challenges. He highlighted how important it was to take advantage of this unparralled opportunity by ensuring that the education that is being provided equips students for what is yet to come.

 His Excellency Dr Samuel Kifle, State Minister of Ministry of Education, highlighted the need for investing on education and building the capacity of teachers. He noted the huge opportunity presented by the fast growing population and the structural changes in the country but that the education system has a critical role in this. He also underlined the important role Centers of Excellence (CoEs) play to serve as a benchmark that can be multiplied in other areas. These CoE can help set excellence standard.

Other invited speakers included Professor Atalay Ayele, Member of the Education Taskforce who highlighted the need to support Ministry of Education and support model schools, centers, and colleges to develop CoEs which can serve as models.

Dr. Elazar Tadesse, also member of the Taskforce spoke about the state of elementary and secondary education in Ethiopia. She indicated the access to education has significantly improved, however, there is clear need in improving education quality. She mentioned Teachers Training and improving their welfare, Leadership training for administrators, Use of ICT and digital literacy as key points to improve education quality. Further problems in the elementary education system, particularly in the area of achievement of key milestones, such as reading ability, were presented by Dr Belay Hagos based on studies in primary schools.

Professor Abebaw Fekadu, member of the Education Taskforce and Centre Leader of CDT-Africa, presented in detail about the potential role of CoEs in improving the education quality in Ethiopia. He noted that excellence as a broader agenda has the ability to transform nations not just the education system. In this regard CoEs, if planned and implemented in the right way, can transform education and address other major developmental challenges. He shared the experience of the CoE he leads.

Ethiopia 2050 initiative brings together like-minded Ethiopian engineers, architects, and planners who are concerned that as Ethiopia’s population continues to grow dramatically the scale of challenges that await the country in terms of basic and critical infrastructures in energy, water, food, housing, transportation, renewable resources, etc., are staggering. The group seeks thoughtful, practical, and bold solutions to address these societal challenges.